
The syncstarter setup consists in a combination of affordable hardware and ad-hoc software made specifically for the purpose of playing back different videos in sync.

High and Standard Definition

So far we have two main setups to serve either standard definition (SD) or high definition (HD) video. The SD syncstarter software is called IvySync, its stable and provides frame-precise sync of audio and video. The HD syncstarter software is called HDSync and it is also stable since the recent releases of 1.0 codename Ambarella and 1.1 codename Montevideo.

Contribute to development

Development is open to contributions: we welcome all parties interested in this technology to share this research and development as a common knowledge pool. Our software suite consists of a combination of tools written in C/C++ and the communication between processes takes place in a Shell environment. Depending from the hardware configuration, the syncstarter also requires the customization of firmware or the deployement of a custom kernel on the devices.

Issues, bugs, milestones, forks and patches of the code, everything is made possible via the Syncstarter projects on

Anyone able to use this software without assistance has to go through some hacking and adaptations: this is not a “plug and play” application that can be installed and used easily, but a professional tool developed for highly specialized tasks. If you are one of those then be very welcome to share your impressions with us, we are interested in working together so that we can all benefit from the quality of this software.

If you need help then please consider hiring our service since money also helps us continue our development of free software, while helping you to get things done well.


High Definition Syncstarter (beta)

Read more about HDSync

Standard Definition (stable)

Read more about IvySync